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Interview with Carlos Segura of [T-26]
Exclusive Interview

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This open attitude has not always served Carlos well, though.


"When we started, we did a lot of deals on a handshake - and we really got screwed."


Carlos doesn't like to admit it, but he has to spend a lot more time literally taking care of business. Still, he's hardly your regular businessman and he still appears to take a broader outlook on his life than just moneymaking.


"We work on these very large concerts every year for one of our clients where we design the stage, posters, programme books - everything from the tickets to the tee-shirts. Our idea this year was for a series of comic book covers - one for every band. Anyway we just finished that Friday and I guess now we're on a roller coaster ride and it's heading down. But it's good because I try not to take on too much work in the summer. The winter in Chicago really sucks in a bad way and there's maybe only 3 or 4 months in the year when you can get some great sunny weather so it's OK if it's a little slower."


You need your time in the sun.


"Yeah. I mean there's no doubt that I'm definitely a workaholic. And it isn't because I'm trying to prove anything. I just like it. I don't separate my life from my work. That's how I am and I don't mind it. So I've never been one who needs to go on a vacation to get away from it all. When I do go on vacation I end up going crazy because I miss the work, but I really need to do something else, especially on the weekend."


Have you always been based in Chicago?


"Yeah. Our design group started in 91, but I've lived in Chicago since 1980."


You like Chicago?


"I like it a lot."


I was surprised by how amenable it is.


"Yes, it's very beautiful and in the summer it's just a joy to be here."


At this point, Yuki wandered over for some affection.


"My little buddy. We do everything together."


How old is she?


"She's 3 years old. She's so smart."


The need for change that Carlos keeps mentioning is also extending to a redesign of the [T-26] catalogue books.


"We just finished Supplement 22 which has a real nice flavour to it, so we're going to redo all of our books to look like that - more compact and focussed. We keep having to look at how we promote the typography while maintaining our unique packaging and still keep it affordable. The more we grow, the more fonts we have to show, the more money we have to spend."


I checked out Supplement 22 for myself and asked if he wants all his showings to incorporate this same design or just a similar size?"


"Right now they're all that size but with different designs. Maybe we'll unify the design too at some point."


Apart from Segura Inc and [T-26] Carlos also runs Thickface Records - their own record label.


"It's done more for fun than for business. Every release is different. The first one was global ambient. The second one was industrial dance/funk. The one we're working on right now is 1950's Blue Note jazz type release. I don't know if it'll turn into anything but it adds to the overall umbrella of our creativity, outside of typography and kind of underscores what we do. We don't view typography as just a vehicle for doing words. For us it's more of a canvas to paint the feeling of what you're saying about body language rather than text as language. We get a lot of flack for it sometimes. Well not a lot really, just occasional isolated voices..."


Carlos and Sun(?) were very amenable hosts. They even presented me with a bag of goodies to take home which was great because the studio at my flat is currently a bit vacant-looking. There wasn't much time before my flight, but I took a quick look around the boutiques and bars. Chicago, they say, is a city that works. If that's the case then it's no wonder Carlos is so happy there.


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